Monday, March 2, 2009

my library

LibraryThing the real thing

I really enjoyed adding My Library to my blog, especially having the option to show the book jacket cover. A very useful resource for readers isolated by distance wanting to discuss their favorite book with someone else who also appreciates a particular author or genre style. You feel curious to read the reviews by others of your favorite books.

Its also interesting to note that 2 of the books i have listed have been dramatised in films.
(Hotel Du Lac and Jane Eyre)

Photo "On set with Jane Eyre" by ecoescape on Flickr.

1 comment:

slnsw_learning_2.0 said...

It sounds like you are really having fun - this is great.

Ellen (PLS)

Waiting....let the show begin

Waiting....let the show begin
Image by JKLsemi