Saturday, May 17, 2008

The five RSS feeds i chose were:
  1. Powerhouse Museum's picture of the day Blog.
  2. ABC top stories
  4. SBS movie show
  5. British Library - Harold Pinter Archive Blog
I would have liked to add a feed from ABC's "At the movies" but there didn't appear to be one (only a feed for the TV guide instead). So I'm afraid i chose SBS's Movie show by default. David Stratton and Margaret Pomeranz being my preferred review team.

My favourite feeds were from the British Library and I selected for my RSS feed as it is of personal interest to me - offering news, interviews, reviews, and previews of European films post 2002. For anything earlier i will have to locate another site!

I particularly liked the it shows what a library can do using Web 2.0 technology. It's something we could also do!
The Blog if written by the curational team and plots the progress of cataloguing the Harold Pinter Archive. It also highlights interesting finds during the process and links the site to present day associations with the archival subject in question. In this case, a Harold Pinter play that recently showed in London.
It also involves the public in the "behind the scenes" work of the librarian or archivist. I think it is definitely something we could investigate doing with our wonderful manuscript collection.

1 comment:

slnsw_learning_2.0 said...

The Harold Pinter blog (Brit Lib) is great - it would be wonderful to have something like this here to share the journey with our fellowship scholars.

Mylee (PLS)

Waiting....let the show begin

Waiting....let the show begin
Image by JKLsemi