Monday, May 5, 2008

Why Wiki?
I was interested to discover that many University, Special and Public libraries are using Wikis. Viewing the Blogging Libraries Wiki i linked to The National Library of Scotland and explored their digital collections highlighting iconic treasures e.g. manuscripts relating to Robert Louis Stevenson.

Wikis that promote library collections is an obvious use of Wikis.

Promoting whats NEW to the collection. Highlighting Original Material acquisitions such as paintings, ephemera, maps and manuscripts. This could also include information about the items provenance.

Many hidden treasures stowed away in the "AV Cage" could be promoted.

Wikis can also be devoted to specific client groups. Promoting services and resources available for the aspiring traveller or leisure seeker is a client group i am interested in.

Wikis on the staff Intranet could be used to engage staff in significant projects and for specific work groups.

The library best practice Wiki provides valuable information about initiatives undertaken by other libraries such as digitisation.

Some of our Lunch time guest speakers could be podcast to a wider audience.

We are probably only limited by our imaginations.....

...A Wiki for library volunteers

...A staff favourites Wiki

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Waiting....let the show begin

Waiting....let the show begin
Image by JKLsemi